11 *Free* Self Care Routines For Quarantine
Everyone is talking about self care, but so often it includes that new $40 face mask or bath soak (okay, we're totally guilty of giving into these). But, we wanted to know what our friends were doing to check-in with themselves during these stressful times—so, we asked 11 of them to share their new life *free* self care tips.
I've been reading some fun historical fiction—it feels so transporting right now. I recently learned that reading is considered a form of active meditation if you keep your brain really focused on the words on the page and try not to let it drift, and I find it really relaxes me way more than watching TV.
--Jessica D'Argenio Waller MS, CNS, LDN, Marea Advisor
I've started to consider long walks a legitimate form of exercise (yup, snobby former gym rat here), and a daily necessity. I call more now. I'll hop on face time with just about anyone who's willing because I so miss seeing those faces I had taken for granted. I relish my live zoom fitness classes - seeing the instructors and the community I've come to depend on is a serious mood booster. Chocolate and wine. Every. Damn. Day. And zero guilt because pleasure is also a serious mood booster and how I do #selfcare.
--Dana Pitman MS, RD, CDN Marea Advisor
Call an old friend. Recently I reconnected with an old friend and teammate from college. Even though it's been nearly a decade since we last spoke, the conversation was so effortless and I felt so energized afterwards.
Take a long(er) shower. The shower has been an escape for me especially now as a mom of two (boys ages 22 months and 6 weeks). It's a great time to unwind, think or not think (if that's what you need), and just unplug. Sometimes all I need is an extra 5 minutes to let the hot water wash over me. It's so relaxing.
Go for a walk & listen. I love going on walks. It's especially helpful when my babies need naps. I usually always listen to a book on tape or a podcast (both make me feel more productive with my time than listening to music); however, there are days where I don't listen to anything. Instead, I just listen to the world around me and let my mind wander. Walking checks a bunch of boxes: exercise, me time, nap time, learning, and getting outside.
Find a new hobby. My husband and I love a good cocktail and I’m not afraid to admit that I’m a snob when it comes to crafting a delicious drink. We decided to create a new instagram account to document all of the fun cocktails we’ve been making. We’ve purchased unique ingredients you may not typically buy at the liquor store and created our own syrups for our creations. It’s been a fun hobby reserved for the weekends since neither one of us is a big drinker. We can’t wait to invite our friends and family over to share some of our favorites with.
--Tory Fenton, Marketing @butcher_box // Marea Advisor // Mom of 2 // Crossfit Coach

Throughout this entires process, my saving grace has been getting outdoors without my phone. I start every morning with my coffee and a 1-mile walk. When I don't have headphones in or the temptation to check my email, this space allows me to mentally prepare for what I want to accomplish over the course of the day. On the weekends, my walk gets upgraded to a trail ride or a long hike—anything that keeps me unplugged when I don't need to be working.
--Tana Hoffman, Founder & CEO of Mountainist // Badass Outdoors Woman
BATHS! I rarely make time for a nice soak and being home has allowed me to fit in a 15-20 minute bath where I put on my favorite Jazz Vibes Spotify list and meditate. Also, my husband and I have been really enjoying cooking—we always cook at home often, but it doesn't feel has much like a chore anymore. It's really enjoyable.
--Monica Grohne, Founder of Marea