Season 2 Episode 3

The Gut-Hormone Connection: Understanding How Your Digestive Health Impacts Your Menstrual Cycle

WITH YOUR HOSTS: Monica Grohne & Norah Candito, RD

In this enlightening episode of The Flow State Podcast, hosts Monica Grohne (founder of Marea Wellness) and Norah Candido dive deep into the fascinating connection between gut health and hormonal balance. If you've ever experienced digestive changes around your period or wondered why gut health is crucial for hormone regulation, this episode provides valuable insights into this complex relationship.

Understanding the Gut-Hormone Connection

Your gut isn't just responsible for digesting food – it's a complex system that plays a crucial role in hormone regulation. As Norah explains, the gut is essentially one long tube from mouth to end, and its health directly impacts how well our bodies process and eliminate hormones.

A key finding shared in the episode is that 95% of our serotonin (the "feel-good" neurotransmitter) is actually produced in the gut. Additionally, over 70% of our immune system resides in our gut lining, making it a crucial player in overall health and hormone balance.

The Impact of Transit Time on Hormonal Health

One of the most important concepts discussed is "transit time" – how long it takes food to move through your digestive system. The ideal transit time should be between 24-72 hours. If food moves too quickly through your system, you might not absorb enough nutrients. Conversely, if it moves too slowly, excess hormones can be reabsorbed into your body instead of being eliminated.

How Your Menstrual Cycle Affects Digestion

The podcast reveals fascinating insights about how hormones influence digestion throughout your cycle:

  • During the luteal phase (post-ovulation), higher progesterone levels can slow down digestion and potentially cause constipation
  • At the start of your period, prostaglandins can cause looser stools
  • These changes are normal and not necessarily signs of hormonal dysfunction

Practical Tips for Supporting Gut Health

The hosts share several actionable strategies for improving gut health:

  1. Practice mindful eating - avoid eating while distracted
  2. Ensure adequate meal spacing (90-120 minutes between meals)
  3. Incorporate probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, and fermented vegetables
  4. Consider resistant starches (cooked and cooled potatoes or rice)
  5. Include anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric and ginger, especially before your period

The Role of Gut Health in Common Period Problems

The episode highlights how gut health can influence various menstrual and hormonal issues, including:

  • PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder)
  • Post-birth control syndrome
  • Postpartum hormone balance
  • PMS symptoms

When to Seek Help

While some digestive changes throughout your cycle are normal, chronic issues might indicate underlying problems. The hosts emphasize the importance of working with healthcare providers who understand the gut-hormone connection and can provide appropriate testing and support.

Whether you're dealing with period problems, digestive issues, or simply want to optimize your hormonal health, this episode provides valuable insights into the crucial connection between your gut and hormonal health. By understanding and supporting this relationship, you can take significant steps toward better overall wellness.

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About YOUR


Monica Grohne
Founder & CEO of Marea
Monica founded Marea after healing her own struggles with PMDD. She's on a mission to support women in feeling their best and stop dealing with hormonal symptoms through lifestyle and nutritional support.
Norah Candito, RD
Marea Medical Advisor & Founder of Nutrition with Norah
Norah is a Functional Registered Dietitian that specializes in Gut Health and Hormone Health. She is on a mission to spread menstrual empowerment to menstruating people of all ages. Her goal is to help you improve quality of life.